General questions Conference
Where will the conference take place?
The SDS2023 conference will be held at the Kongresshaus in Zurich, Switzerland. Venue, travel and hotel information are available here.
What is the official language of the conference?
English is the official language of the conference.
Will the conference have internet access available?
Free Wi-Fi will be available throughout the venue.
How can I get information about the conference?
You can get more information via
Which hashtag should we use for the conference?
General questions Workshops
Where will the workshops take place?
The SDS2023 workshops will take place JED in Schlieren, Switzerland on the day before the conference.
What is the language of the workshops?
The language of the workshops depends on the workshop organizer.
How can I register for the workshops?
You can register via the registration page (here) and you can select the specific workshop during the registration process.
Conference Program
How can I participate as a speaker?
You can submit
Please check the websites for the deadlines of the individual calls.
Will the session recordings be available after the event?
Some presentations will be available on our Website and our Youtube channel. The speakers decide if they want to make their videos available.
Can speakers talk from remote locations at the conference?
No, all speakers will be at the conference in-person except for the keynote speakers.
How long should my presentation be?
The time for presentations is scheduled to be 20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.
Is it possible to switch the track between the presentations?
You can change tracks between sessions at any point during the presentation. However please keep in mind that it will take a few minutes to travel from one location to another.
How does the poster session work?
The poster session will take about 35 minutes. In the first 15 minutes, a short video summary of each poster will be shown. If any of them interest you, you will have around 20 minutes to meet the poster owners in person and talk to them directly.
Registration, Payment & Hybrid options
Do you offer financial support to attend the conference?
No, as a non-profit conference, we cannot offer financial support to attendees. However, we are offering reduced-price tickets for students and data innovation alliance members.
When will registration open and how much are the participation fees?
The registration will open in March 2023.
What is a “Flex budget for Industrial members” ticket and why is it free?
Only members of the data innovation alliance are eligible to purchase a member ticket. You can see the member list here.
Can I pay by invoice or wire transfer?
No, the conference only offers the possibility of paying by credit card.
How do I get an invoice for the ticket I purchased?
You will receive a purchasing confirmation and receipt via email directly after registration.
How can I get an invitation letter for my visa?
Please send us an email at conference@data-innovation.org after registering for the conference. We will send you a form to be filled-in to issue you a visa invitation letter.
I am unable to travel to Zurich, Switzerland. Can I participate in the conference online?
No, we regret informing you that online participation has been cancelled.
What is the registration cancellation process and policy?
No, tickets can not be cancelled, however, you can transfer your ticket to a colleague.
Can I transfer my pass to a colleague because I can’t attend?
Yes, please send an email to conference@data-innovation.org and give us the name and email address of your colleague. We will prepare a name badge accordingly.
Conference App
Where can I download the conference app?
We use talque as our conference app. You can download it like you would any other app from the google play store and the apple app store.
Press and Media
Where can I learn about press accreditation for the SDS2023 conference?Please visit our webpage on press and media accreditation.
Open questions
Do you still have any questions?
Please email us at conference@data-innovation.org