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Call for Presentations – Business Track

Data Science stands on the frontline of new scientific discoveries and plays a significant role in all aspects of our everyday lives. The 10th IEEE Swiss Conference on Data Science – SDS2023 – brings together researchers, developers, opinion leaders, decision makers, and innovators with expertise in Data Science. The goal of SDS2023 is to foster the exchange of novel ideas for Data Science. Following the motto „together we move faster“, we also foster the expansion of the community and network of data scientists and engineers from academia and industry.

Topics of interest
We invite submissions of talks related to all aspects of Data Science, especially best practice and use-case oriented work with technical depth and practical applicability. We especially want to solicit work in four key areas in the coming year, namely:

  • AI for Energy Transition
  • Data Storytelling and Dashboarding Best Practices
  • Graph Technology
  • Responsible and trustworthy AI

Business Talk – presentation covering technological aspects, deployment and use of solutions in Data Science. Submissions should be in pdf format and have a maximum length of 2 pages and contain all of the following elements: 

  • title
  • an extended abstract of no more than 500 words explaining an impactful and novel application with facts and figures
  • a description of the target audience
  • an outline of the intended talk
  • a short author biography

The Business Program Committee will carefully review the submissions. Excellent content demonstrating data-driven value creation, business impact and innovation in the submission are mandatory for acceptance. Accepted submissions will be presented in English by the authors at the conference (20min presentation).

Important Dates

  • February 17, 2023 (anywhere on earth): Submission deadline
  • March 1, 2023 (anywhere on earth): Extended Submission deadline
  • April 05, 2023: Acceptance notification
  • June 22-23, 2023: Conference takes place